Apr 21, 2009 10:19
Class on the beach today! So fun. The weather has been incredible- hot, hot, hot during the day and well into the evening. Summertiiime....
I'll post a few more pictures from D.C. when I'm at home later on, but a quick summation in the meantime:
- Met amazing playwrights
- Met amazing dramaturgs
- Met amazing literary managers
- Heard and saw some really remarkable work, including...
- CSU East Bay (formerly CSU Hayward) performed Sam Shephard's experimental piece "Tongues." Most amazing thing I've seen onstage in a long time. Holy Jesus H. Christ. 510, way to represent.
- Got a chance to sightsee after all! Missed seeing Obama's silhouette in a passing car by about two minutes. Blast. But I saw his house, I guess that's pretty chill
- Partied into the night with delightful humans, including Jocelyn Clark, an Irish dramaturg who is one of those terrifyingly intelligent people that say things while you nod fervently, and pray that you don't say anything to reveal your own crippling idiocy.
But here's the big news:
At the awards ceremony, all the playwrights trotted up onstage to recieve their envelope and be congratulated for having won their particular award. After I got my envelope, the artistic director announced that he had a surprise. I sort of froze like a lizard. Here it is: I've been comissioned by the Kennedy Center to write another play, in the Greek/Roman mythology theme, for their Theater for Youth Audiences division/department/thing. They are paying me to write a play.
I... am and was pretty stunned, but mad crazy excited.
And that is that.
This weekend: Women of Juarez/Ni Una Mas goes up. (It's a collaborative piece that one of the directing students is heading up; a series of monologues from the point of view of the women who have been killed in Juarez, Mexico. You know, a feel-good piece.) And after that, solo performance cabaret, senior showcase, and writing writing writing!
I had an incredible time in D.C., but it's good to be back.