Dec 12, 2008 17:08
Once again I'm reading The Once and Future King. Maybe it's become a winter thing... it is such an excellent wintertime book. You want parenting at its finest, look at the way Sir Ector reacts when Kay brings him the sword. The book makes me feel lonely, sad, too big, bursting with a kind of heavy love, and older than I thought possible. Grand emotion. Seems like I'm borrowing it from another time, or something- lord knows it doesn't go with today's decor. I'm kind of a junkie for it. It's the same feeling I get from some music, from the word home, from Wendy's "Hello, boy" line from Hook, and from Skywise. Summer 2007 was rife with it, and sometimes I wonder if I used it all up in a few months, drawing upon it all the time. Anyway, I wrote a lot that summer, and none of it means much, but it's there.
So, that is a wonder. But isn't it all.
In other news, I've somehow auditioned for a reality TV show, and gotten called back. So, don't be alarmed if MTV calls you and want to know things about me. I wish I was kidding. Tell them that I'm a librarian with an edge who has a lot of opinions about people who appear on MTV.
In other other news...
- Finals are done! They were all a joke of one kind or another; dry, dark, punny, take your pick.
- I love my class. We had a phenomenal Christmas party. Pictures in the usual place. I may have gone as the pregnant Virgin Mary.
- Charlie was my secret santa. He got me a copy of Die Hard, and a nerf rapid-fire dart gun with a note that said "Now YOU have a machine gun... ho ho ho." Amazing. I highly recommend that everyone have a dart gun in their house; it is endlessly entertaining.
- Coming home tomorrow! WOOT!
- Have to leave Jordan in SB, as he won't get off of work until the 19th. Suck Fest 2008.
- I think I'm going to try to paint my room while I'm home. If I can afford paint.
- Have to find a way to raise a goodly pile of disposable income a.s.a.p. Do you know anyone who needs a kidney? Tell them to call me.
- Jesus, maybe I should sell the car. I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVEN THOUGHT THAT. But maybe I should.
- Next quarter is shaping up to be insane. And it's December still.
I love you all, truly. Be good, creatures! Maybe see you soon!