Mar 11, 2007 15:55
Nothing on this world will drive me quicker through the five stages of psychosis and straight into blind and unwavering rage than feeling the same pounding bass line reverberate through my very core, over and over and over again, while I'm trying to get work done.
It is a reasonable hour -- noon. Now four. It will soon be night. it is a reasonable day -- Sunday. But Monday and Tuesday and all those days are pretty darn reasonable too. I am a reasonable person in most every way.
So is it so unreasonable that I hope that my downstairs (and concurrently next-door!) neighbors burst into flames and die in a fiery inferno of burnt-off Coors Light and discarded cigarette butts? Or, forgoing that, at least buy a boombox instead of blasting their music through the front door so they can sit on their monogrammed folding chairs and shoot fireworks at passing cars? Is that so unreasonable?
I get it. It is sheer bad luck (and possibly karma) that got me the room directly over their living room. And everyone has that one thing that they just cannot handle, cannot stand. And I know that God must have made some people white-trash college(?) dropouts for a reason. But this is everyday. And all night! And the same three-to-five songs!
Is there no mercy for me?
ducks village