Jul 10, 2004 00:57
I hate when people make public LJ entires that bitch about their lives and blah blah blah, then go and delete themselves uncermeoniously a few days later because they're embarassed about how they felt. I don't know. They have every right to, I know, but it's my pet peeve. It's like "Okay, either don't post it publicly, don't post it, or don't deny your feelings." It's like your journal is your journal but only up to a certain point. Then it's like 'Oh! I must save face and look like I'm not a total bitchface sometimes!" Think before you post.
I know it's a silly thing to be annoyed about, but the people who do it do it repeatedly. They are embarassed of their behavior or what they said or whatever, but instead of examining it when they've cooled down, they just delete it -- shrug it off. So it repeats.
Silly silly. And silly me for caring.
Oh, and I'm off for SEP this afternoon. I'll see you all in two weeks. I'm scared to death, but those of you who live at U of O 3/4 of the year can come up and visit me after your camping trip. After all, don't you need to make sure your apartment hasn't been taken over by hobo squatters? *cough*