Riot in Eden (10:14:30 PM): Gotta pack my things for this long trip in Vagina

Feb 09, 2009 22:09

Riot in Eden (10:14:30 PM): Gotta pack my things for this long trip in Vagina

xnocturnalstarx (10:14:51 PM): hahaha i hear its got great sights along the way

Riot in Eden (10:14:56 PM): A little warm though

xnocturnalstarx (10:15:03 PM): i like it a lil warm

Riot in Eden (10:15:18 PM): flash floods too
nocturnalstarx (10:15:37 PM): it could be worst

Riot in Eden (10:15:45 PM): Yeah it could be a penis

xnocturnalstarx (10:15:53 PM): exactly


I need to never be alone as it turns out. Lately my head has really been getting to me, driving alone is the worst at least when its late at night. I play it off well though, you see, I've taken birth control late lately not too late but late enough. Things have gone by really fast, only weeks since I got a car, moved out, paid rent for the first time and now I have this living thing to take care of. A very cute well behaved (for the most part) thing at least.

So, I have a back up plan for everything, I can always move home, give the dog to my mom and all that. But the speed has been mind boggling, its like as if I went from a single celled amoeba to Kosh. Which if you know Kosh is the biggest leap you can get even if an amoeba has a more solid body then him.

In any case, my chest got really tight tonight, and I think I felt a little bile in my throat. The weight is starting to get to me. I've had no responsibility for 20 years and in but a few weeks now I have them.

I need to adjust and I know I will.. Im too care free not to, I mean seriously, big deal its not like I have a kid and there is no way of backing out. There are always options as long as Im not to stubborn or prideful to see them.

I just really need to start taking my pills on time.
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