Writer's Block: Left Behind

Jan 31, 2009 13:53

   I used to want the "traditional" process : funeral, ground burial, etc. But somewhere along the way I started liking the idea of having a non-traditional funeral. You know, one of those death parties where no one is allowed to cry or wear black, your mourners just laugh and talk about all the good times. I was still keen on the whole buried six feet under part, though.
  However, I changed my mind again. I decided I do want a traditional funeral. i want people wearing black, crying their eyes out, and putting Kleenex out of business! I want bitches to mourn. I don't care if that makes me a horrible person or not, I'll be dead anyways. I also decided I'd rather be cremated. I've instructed those who I think will be around after me to make sure they find a reputable cremation place. I don't want to have my body dumped somewhere and my "ashes" be remnants of God knows what. I don't know exactly where I'd like my ashes to be spread, I don't think I've found that place yet. I'll know it when I end up there, though.

death, writer's block

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