so baby don't follow their lead 'cause you never know just how the story ends

Jun 20, 2006 21:17

i've been getting way too many headaches lately. i got a really bad one like three nights ago that was so bad i was just cried the whole night and couldn't really sleep. it makes me a little worried but the only doctor's appointment i can get so far isn't till september. i kinda don't want to wait that long. it would be nice to know why i'm getting them so bad and to get medicine that will actually make them go away. my mom says they're probably because of stress. i guess i can see that. but still i wish i could see a doctor. it's not fun. damn you tricare for not being taken anywhere. and damn you navy hospital for not seeing me ever. dammit!

i really need a job. and now i really want one cuz our friend nick invited mat and i to a convention in baltimore in august and i'd really like to go. it would be sweet to go on a road trip :) so now i have some motivation to actually get one. ya know, cuz being able to buy shit and have money isn't :P speaking of which does anyone know of anyplace around that will exchange euros for american money? i have 146 euro which is too much to just have around and be useless.

one thing i'm really excited about is rev beth asked me if i would house-dog-bird sit for her for a few days in july :) i'm pretty stoked because before i even had to ask (which for some reason i was a little nervous about) she said mat could come. which is sweet cuz he's closer to work and we can get away. halleluia!! lol especially since gary isn't working at ups anymore we have no time to be alone at all. not even to just do anything it was nice to fall asleep without music and the tv blasting. and just being alone in general is missed. so that will be amazing. and she's paying me for it which is completely unnecessary but cool anyway :)

i also found this thing that the mystic aquarium does called career shadowing or something like that. from what i can tell, you just "shadow" someone who works there to see if it's something you'd be interested in doing. i didn't find anything that said you had to massively educated or anything. i'm gonna try it out anyway :) so, i guess wish me luck lol
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