May 15, 2005 21:53
Friday the 6th is where this adventure starts...when I say adventure in this case I mean crazy drunken week.
Friday Kelli, Jon Savage, Ryan, Danni, Tricia, Tony, and Michelle and I went out to R Bar to see Lefty play. I took pictures of them and was very nervous about it. So nervous that I had quite a few drinks (and i am a super light weight).
Saturday April and I went bar hopping in Chicago with Mark, Dotts, Kelly, and some of the Mark's friends. It was sooo nice to see them all again. sigh. I was not drunk when we got home but I was really tore up!!
Sunday I went to the Landing with Jeremy and Andy E, OH MY GOD, they are the cutest boys and great friends, I get so excited when they come into town. Avory, Jon, and April met up with us and we sat out on the patio and talked....I got WASTED on long islands, which Jeremy introduced me to that night. Also I think I hit on this boy I went to highschool with named Pete, but the situation is fuzzy so I don't really know. Then we all went over to Kelli's and I fell asleep on her couch cuddling a wrapped Wendy's burger. Weird.
Monday I showed Blake and Darren the pictures of the band I had taken on Friday. They both really strongly overreact as to how awesome they are. I was really embarassed about it so I went to Kelli's house. She and I then returned to the Landing where Blake and Darren were being hit on by two girls at the end of the bar, we watched. Then they went to Village for last call and we followed to play some shuffle board, Darren tried to play but did not have the attention span for such a thing. The girls that were hitting on them showed up and Darren pretty much ignored them...Blake later decided they were too fat?!?!?!!! Geezie petes.
Tuesady I went to R Bar for jam night with Andy E, Jon, and April. That is when I realized that Blake does not talk to me when I am out with other boys, even though he knows I am not dating anyone, and he and I are just friends. boo for him.
Wednesday April and I go to the Landing for blues jam and Jon F, Adam B, Jeremy M, and Toni show up....great fun, I get totally wasted again (not proud). I also hung out with Strutmand for a long time that night.
Thursday I went out to the Landing again and talked to Bob about the pictures. I don't know how I feel about them really..... whatever. later on