(no subject)

May 25, 2006 20:34

it's summerrrrrr :-)

this summer should be pretty good...
beach with Ethan
beach with Ramundo
beach with my girls
NYC with Ethan
plus lots of hanging out with my homies here.
oooh, and SIX FLAGSSSS! i must go at least twice.

anyway, junior year was pretty good i guess.
second semester was... ummm... not fun.
i'm just glad that it is over.

although, i did meet jessica and alaina this semester.
and they are awesommmme!
and they are graduating right now.
congratulations you two!

anyway, here are a bunch of pictures from the past few months

circus... even though it sucked, it was still fun.

we stole cotton candy from other people's tables... hehe...

cute elephant

i just love how freaking excited rachel looks in this picture.

this always makes me nervous.

cork and judith- the morning after a slumber party.  i think we were about to go to waffle house.

i think i took this the first time i rode with ethan.

speeeeeech- awesome class.

Brandon Knighton- 'nuff said.

Nicholas and Cork in speech.

yeahhh, we know we're hott.

i love ramundo!

Bonnie is such a lady- she's crossing her paws.

Spring Break '06 with my sister, Amy.  I know, i look terrible in this picture.

pickles and cheescake at Carnegie Deli

Amy and I

Me, Cork, and really cute puppies


look how tiny it is!

Amy, Kimmie, and I on Easter.

my boooo.

he makes really hott faces... errrrr...

cork in speech

rachel... is happy.

Alaina with her Reese's paper grill

Me and Rachel

Rachel's illustration of me and Ethan, ha.

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer!

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