(no subject)

Nov 15, 2005 18:33

so, i was thinking...
and i figured that 2.5 months was long enough between posts.
so here i am.
i know, i know.  just try to contain your excitement.

update on my life... hmmm...
school is still boring and i'm sick of it.
i am still madly in love with my boyfriend, Ethan.
and i still have my awesome friends- who i do not get to hang out with enough :-(
oh, and i did a film for the sidewalk scramble with taylor hide, cork, byrd, and martin.
it was fun.  but we got disqualified because of a confusion with the title.
die, catherine, die.

IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!  sorry, i'm just really excited.

okay, so enough talking.

ramundo, me, and cork.

"fat man in a little coat..."  except nicholas is not really fat.  oh well.

again, nicholas wearing my jacket.

i don't know what we were doing... but i like the picture.  especially cork's demon eye.

sad john garrett.

yaya and the ramundo at brooke's.

drafting fun... i have no idea what we are doing.  i sure do love chapstick though.

"working" in the courtyard during photography.

excited face... i love how my eyebrow has a mind of its own.

mary fairy!

stewy... wearing earings.  where did he get those earings anyway?  i can't remember.

huge lawnmower in the courtyard.

this is bree's sexy face.

rachel ruining the picture... and cleavin'  haha.

who could resist that hott face?  honestly.

clyde and terry the muscle man holding hands... "mrs. bailey, why... am i naked?"

SCRAMBLE!  best game ever invented.

cork loves dissecting.

sethipoo is a pretty princess.

trampoline fun.  was it hott out there, cork?  haha, just kiddinggggg.

more tramoline fun.  look how high i got!  ignore my tummy.

ha, mama fu's.

science is coooool!  uhhh... not really.

okay, that's all.  i hope you enjoyed it.  have a good ummm... november.  or something.  yeah.

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