Movies that Are a Part of Me

Sep 10, 2014 09:16

The #cinephilephote meme on twitter had me thinking about favorite filmes, or perhaps, films that have stayed with me. Films can be so ephemeral sometimes, so I had to dig deep. I'm sure I'll think of more, but these are the films that really are a part of me in some way:
  1. Trois couleurs: Bleu (Three Colors: Blue)
  2. When Harry Met Sally
  3. Der Himmel über Berlin (Wings of Desire)
  4. Contact
  5. Another Earth
  6. Dirty Dancing
  7. Shall we ダンス? (Shall we Dance?)
  8. となりのトトロ (My Neighbor Totoro)
  9. 火垂るの墓 (Grave of the Fireflies)
  10. Real Genius
  11. Back to the Future
  12. Some Kind of Wonderful
  13. White Christmas
I know I'll think of more to add to this later, but I'd love to know what films you love or have resonated with you so deeply that they've become a part of you.


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