The following was
my response to an Ask I received on my Tumblr regarding Rowling's revelation regarding pairing Hermione and Ron...
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I saw reference to it on Twitter yesterday and links
like this one here which led to a discussion with fellow HP fans, some of whom were upset or stunned or ecstatic about this
Read more... )
This is the "Snape is NOT a hero" thing all over again.
We can love some her characters more than she does.
that she's losing love on her characters- SPECIALLY Ron/Romione which seemed to be her favorite.
I'm sorry. I can only imagine how upsetting this is for you, but I hope that you can continue to enjoy and appreciate Ron and Ron/Hermione despite Rowlings current statement. The other thing about authorial intent is that it doesn't have to matter. I disagree with some of Rowlings choices and there's really nothing she can say that would change my mind. And I happily don't need her approval to have my reading of the text.
Yeah, I agree. I still want to wait and see what the interview actually says but no matter what i still love Ron.
This does hurt a lot. And I am saying this here because it is also possibly why I am not as affected as some people by what a creator says about my interpretation or favorite character or love of a work. No one, not even my own mother can hurt me like that again.
But it's not a good feeling to have and I am sorry it is hurting you so much. I really am especially if your pairing is a source of squee and joy for you.
hopefully it's all a big misunderstanding or she says something to mean that's she sorry and she didn't meant it. (by she i mean JK & Emma)
thanks for being supportive. It's getting easier to deal with it because there are people in fandom who do understand and sympathize and don't just tell us we're being ungrateful (or rub it in our faces)
*hug* thanks
You know, becoming a mother is a pretty enlightening experience in a lot of ways. The Munchkin is 9 years old and there are *still* mornings when I wake up and several split-seconds will pass before I remember that oh yeah, I'm married, and we've spawned, and I am responsible for these two little people. Eek! It definitely has given me a new perspective on my own childhood and parents.
And speaking of my parents, they no longer live in Tucker, but if you ever want me to drive across the border and knock some heads together, Atlanta is still only 2 hours away from me. ;)
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