Cabin Pressure Mini-Meetup at DFW

Mar 26, 2013 22:56

In a series of squeeful emails after each new Cabin Pressure episode, drinkingcocoa and I found ourselves regularly lamenting the fact that it would be ages before I could make it to Philadelphia so we could squee in person over the genius of John Finnemore and the ridiculous antics of our favorite cabin crew. However, after one of the episodes, and I can no longer remember which one, we discovered three momentous things: (1) my flight back from Dallas at the very end of my round the world trip was not until 9:30 at night, well after the conference was over and I would have had to check out of my hotel, (2) with a little amount of cash and a chunk of her frequent flyer miles, it would be imminently possible for drinkingcocoa to fly to and from Dallas to hang with me for the day, and (3) the Dallas/Fort-Worth airport has a lot going on.

And thus we began plotting an epic day at the airport, the perfect place to squee over Cabin Pressure:

The Captain and the First Officer prepare for an adventure. I'll let you guess who is who.
In preparation for this massive squee-fest, drinkingcocoa prepared a list of things to do or eat that represented every single Cabin Pressure episode aired (so far, still holding out for Z). I didn't keep track of which ones we were able to cross off, but she came prepared and we tried to hit as many as possible. We began by hitting a hotel bar at 10:00am. And away we go!

1. We began with a cheese tray. Drinkingcocoa brought plenty of supplies, including a lemon, which traveled with us on our many adventures.

2. We were determined to locate Talisker whiskey. The waiter at the hotel bar probably thought we were a pair of hard drinking party-girls when we asked if they served alcohol at 10:30 in the morning (they did) and if they happened to carry any Talisker (they did not). In fact, as it turned out, no one inside or outside the airport served Talisker. Thus we consoled ourselves by drinking pineapple juice and tea and coffee. Here Drinkingcocoa, dressed as Theresa, channel's Arthur's enthusiasm for the good stuff.

3. While tweeting and emailing each other ridiculous photos of the things we were eating and drinking, we noticed what appeared to be Martin's phone on the wireless list. We tried luring him out with our cheese tray and my ridiculous hat, but to no avail.

4. Among the many squeeful supplies she had packed into her suitcase, drinkingcocoa brought along this pair of freshly decorated Totoro shoes for me. I cheered loudly and couldn't wait to show them to my husband, who has a soft spot in his heart for totoro since that was my email address all through my graduate studies. Just look at that Catbus!

5. After finishing off the cheese and the juice, it was finally time to check in (it was about 12.30 at this point). Naturally this called for a change of clothes and drinkingcocoa got to show me the t-shirt dress she had had screened with my De Principibus artwork, which she'll be wearing for the Sherlock in the Potterverse panel at Misti-Con (oh how I wish I could attend that!). The woman checking me in for my flight was so taken with the art on clothing design that she had a lot of advice for me on how to make this more profitable. I think I need to step up my art game because this piece looked really cool on the dress and I'd love to do other pieces that are wearable!

6. Once we checked in, we scored some odd candies all the better to celebrate a Cabin Pressure Christmas and then had our nails done (with colored nail varnish) in honor of Douglas's continued Birling Day antics. This is the first time I had ever had anything done at the airport, and it felt incredibly indulgent. I had been looking for something in Slytherin green, but this blue was very pretty and complimented the scarf i was wearing. Of course, the lemon was in play. We also tried playing Yellow Car but had to modify it for the purpose of being inside the airport. I was fantastically fast at screaming out "Yellow Cart" the minute we walked past a janitorial cart outside the bathroom.

7. After our manicures and pedicures, we then decided to procure lunch and went in search of the sort of food Martin has as a treat, a baked potato. Surprisingly, baked potatoes were almost as hard to find as Talisker as most places (including steak restaurants) only served mashed potatoes! We located our baked potatoes finally and washed them down with a little fake Talisker, also known as apple juice (Douglas's beverage of choie when he's pretending to drink.)

8. After our snack, we continued with a few more episode-inspired errands before heading over to Terminal A for a quick change of attire and some wine flights. drinkingcocoa managed to scare up two red cocktail dresses, one for her and one for me, which we changed into for an early birthday celebration for me. You can see that we are both wearing necklaces made by consulting crafter qui_quae_quod. Drinkingcocoa's had a pendant that featured one of  dixiebell12's MJN inspired designs while mine simply said "Cumberbitch". I wore it with class and elegance.

9. And to cabin-pressurify my birthday, drinkingcocoa drew inspiration from Helsinki and Arthur's attempts to celebrate Carolyn's birthday by bringing along a homemade fishcake decoration, a cocktail umbrella (for shade) and candy cigarettes to stand in for candles. This was too adorable. I think she needs to make these for all future Cabin Pressure meet-ups!

After our wine and cake and even more talking and squeeing, it was time to change back into normal clothes for flying to get drinkingcocoa to her flight, which boarded around 7:30pm. It was hard saying goodbye and we are already trying to plot ways to squee some more in the future, but this was the most fabulous way to round up my month of travel.

But next time, we'll have to do this in an airport that serves Talisker!

cabin pressure, squee, dallas

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