Mar 17, 2011 21:52
Okay, I had my personal LJ for YEARS and barely got a half dozen people friending me. I set this up for a couple of WEEKS and suddenly you lot are coming out of the woodwork!
Hm, apparently what I needed was a kink meme, and I'd be set.
I've pretty much mastered the art of formatting for LJ, so I'm gonna go ahead and upload my one-shots fairly soon before tackling the daunting behemoth that is The Body Farm.
Trust me, guys, if you liked the John and Sherlock interaction of "Bound in Gold", you're gonna love TBF. It isn't slash, not even remotely, but it doesn't shy away from their devotion to one another. In fact it centres around it. It's sort of my Magnum Opus.
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for coming with me and reading my stories. A story is useless if there's no one to read it, and I couldn't do what I do without incredible readers like you guys.
Grazie Mille!