Nov 19, 2012 23:57

Okay, so moving just about killed me and I've been in a post-relocation stupor for the last couple of weeks but now! Oh, now there's work to be done! I've just ordered a desk off of amazon and once I get a chair I'll have a proper work space* to do this on.

I have NEWS:


Pip and I have been floundering trying to get together which, combined with moving-ness has brought the BiG rewrite to a standstill, hopefully I can motivate myself to get it running again. If I fail, you are all invited to hurl eggs at my inbox until I get my ass in gear.


I actually do have a draft of Death written, but it's...awful. It needs rewriting which I am a HORRIBLE procrastinator about and always have been. See above recarding eggy projectiles.


I saw a marriage equality photoset on Tumblr which gave me a bit of a plot bug. A freeform short story about a woman seeing her bride on their wedding day. I think, though I may be wrong, that this will be my first explicitly lesbian story**, which is nice. I love breaking new ground.


People, I have been mainlining Teen Wolf like you wouldn't BELIEVE. I have an entirely unhealthy obsession with Derek Hale. There are currently four one-shots on my AO3, which shall be transferred to good ol' LJ presently.

Sorry for the long-term radio silence, my lovelies, I'm glad to be back.

PS: I'm getting a lot of spam in my inbox lately. I'm talking five or six per day, and it's really really annoying. I don't want to turn off anon comments because I live for my nonnies, but something's got to be done. Does anybody have any suggestions?

*Do NOT use your bed as a workspace, kiddies, it is the murderer of productivity with its siren summons to sleep. Ooh, alliteration!

**I say "explicitly" not because there will be sexytimes. There probably won't. But because in a lot of my stuff, particularly PT, I like to leave the genders ambiguous. The Devil, for instance, could be between two guys, two women, one of each, one of either and one of neither, whatever you like. I do that because I like to write something entirely accessible, something where my reader can see through the protagonist's eyes as though they were their own, regardless of who they are and how they identify. Sometimes I can't do that, but it's always fun when the opportunity presents itself.

personal stuff, update, thank you, penni rambles, pi speaks

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