Nov 20, 2008 02:28
My heartfelt thanks to all of you who commented and messaged me to tell me I was in your thoughts and prayers, or to give me encouragement.
As sometimes happens in life, just when things are darkest, a new ray of light shines down. While the sting of not being pregnant is still there, the good news was the disorder my doctor suspected I might have, I didn't have. I was a wreck, thinking I had cysts and messed up hormones and that I wasn't ovulating, but it turns out the ultrasound was clear, and my blood tests came back to show I was in excellent health. Even better, my doctor has prescribed me a basic fertility drug to help things progress a little more quickly.
So once again, I'm allowing that dangerous creature, Hope, back into my life.
And Draco and Hermione are very determined to not let me slack off. They've been following me everywhere, whispering their dialogue to me at work, or giving me ideas for things they want to happen while I'm in bed trying to sleep.
Currently, the story on my hard drive is just shy of 140,000 words, and I think it will end up being in the neighborhood of 160,000 by the time I'm done. However, hectic is an apt description of my life for the next ... month... gah... But during my downtime between rehearsals and performances of Nutcracker, I'll probably be hiding in a corner somewhere backstage with a pencil and my little yellow pad of paper, furiously writing away.
It is my sincere hope to keep the pace of updates to one every seven to ten days.
Wish me luck!
Thank you all, again. This is such a wonderful community of people.