
Aug 22, 2006 18:42

Yes, I'm back. Have been a while, though I've been bouncing around locales so much that I haven't been around much. I decided (thanks to Jen telling me that it didn't actually suck as bad as I thought it did) to post a sketch-turned-painting I just finished. I sketched a few versions of it while I was in the arctic, because it was an image bouncing around in my head, and then when I got back I painted it. But I was really dissatisfied with it so I left it while I went off to visit family for a week, and just got back. I'm still unsatisfied, but... the -concept- is one that I like. Just the execution didn't work out so great.

While Penny was at Boll there was a gather for Lord Mitali's birthday. Sef's family ended up making Penny the sort of impromptu guest of honor and she got handed round like a ragdoll to all the boys as a dancing partner. Sefton came, and danced one dance, and then much later I think they probably met up again to talk more quietly in private. This was a concept I had in my head while on vacation, and it turns out Sefplayer was thinking the same thing, so it's all good. At any rate, I'm not sure if it actually worked out like this, but I had this vision of Penny chilling down by the beach, waiting for Sefton to untangle himself from paying his respects to his family and join her.

(Disclaimers: I didn't really bother much about the face, because it already wasn't looking much like Penny. She's too skinny, for one thing. Also, I know the rocks are shite, I kinda... don't know how to do rocks. o_O And I am too lazy to fix them for what is, basically, a sketch. Also, her leg is messed up and her skin color is not quite right, and this is -supposed- to be at night but I got carried away with the white of Penny's dress and it looks like daytime. The end.)

Edit: Color balance.

She sits, quietly, feet dangling -- the rock still retains some of the day's heat, warm against her bare legs. The tide is coming in, swirling around the rocks a little higher with each passing moment. Not very much longer and she'll be able to reach the water's edge...

Waiting for Sefton...

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