Jan 27, 2005 13:47
i am now completely healed. a few scars from the pox but overall not too bad. its a trip to look at my throat and not see big ass tonsils in the way nowadays.
so vaka and i may have created life through our lovin. interesting... i dont know for sure but it is very likely at this point. so we talked about it and its okay if we have. it will be rough and all, but we do love each other a whole lot and children are not burdens, they are blessings... but no certainty, we will see. but if we have a girl, her name is going to be "kalinda melise latu" prononuced "kah-linda meh-lee-say la-thu" after our mothers; kaloni and glenda and his eldest sister melise. so as you can see, i think of this as; if it happens, i am blessed and we will have to work out a few things, if i am not we wait and get settled a little better first.
i will update once i know fosho. until then, toodles!