A/N - The following contains any Booth/Bones from 100 themes.
30. Parents (Bones; Booth/Bones; G)
They had broken up some bickering amongst Angela, Zack, and Hodgins in the lab. Now, Booth couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
“Don’t you feel like…”
Brennan seemed preoccupied with tuning the car radio. Booth wasn’t sure he wanted to continue anymore. The strange image that had formed in his head-with Zack as a genius little mama’s boy and Hodgins as Booth’s bright-eyed jock and Angela as Hodgins’ hippie girlfriend-somehow didn’t make as much sense outloud.
“Nothing,” Booth shrugged, shutting his mouth. They drove on. The question hung on his tongue.
Don’t you feel like we’re parents sometimes?