Still have not read MockingJay, really not that into it!
Bo's appointment at Shriner's today turned out better than I thought, It is a case of "Flexible, Flat, Foot" ( say it 5 times fast, not even the Dr. could!) or in laymen's terms 'little arches.' An hour drive time, 20 mins in the waiting room, 15 mins with the doctor and then 5 mins with the othrotist(brace maker) to confirm; and the fear inducing over zealous podiatrist diatribe was dismissed!! But hey we had lunch at 'the lube'!!
Working night at the nursing home with ppl i cannot stand! fun as shit!(huh, that last part made me laugh!! nursing home humor!)
Even though it disgusts me to think of it, but the hubby and i are already making plans for our weekend jaunt to the shopping mecca for Christmas shopping! Ya know, leave the kids, get a hotel room and then shop as much as we can, come back to the hotel and then wrap as much as we can(not an euphemism) and all the while enjoying sleeping/eating together with no kid like interruptions!!