My favorite Norma Fox Mazer memory

Oct 20, 2009 13:49

Editor D and I were working on a book with Harry Mazer. Harry was unwell, and pretty much all communication for the project was run through Norma. Norma and I were in touch a lot in those days.

The book was My Brother Abe: Sally Lincoln's Story, and as the name suggests, it was about Abraham Lincoln's sister, Sally.

At one point, I emailed Norma and asked her to ask Harry for the dedication. She responded:

Harry says he’s mulling a dedication and [I kid you not] it’s between me and Sally Lincoln. By tomorrow morning, one of us should win.

The next morning, after I emailed her for an update, she responded:

Yay, I won!

The final dedication reads: For Norma, always.

editing like an editor

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