// Hiatus officially over. At least I can hope as much.
Fall/Winter always seem to be the time where everything suddenly happens, and you certainly have no time for it. While I wish I could say most of my time was spent playing F:NV, that isn't the case. Some family matters kicked up such as: big move to Europe, grandmother's illness, and destructiveness that is American living.Work has been insane since Sept and never stopped either. Etc, etc you know the drill. My trip turned out to be productive even if a little frightening . Now that its calmed down I can hope for the best. Vacations without hair-tearing drama is for chumps right? (aughslh @v@;)
Anyway! With the new year comes a new overhaul. My scanner is bupkis at the moment, so no new updates for a bit. In the meantime some clean up will happen.
New Projects:
-DOCTOR! LOOK OUT! audio tales recommendation blog
-Tau Army construction (fuck I need colors)
-Shadowrun: Who Hired These Idiots?! reboot
-Heroless (editor needed)
-Project (Jinjo) with Cei
Also I highly encourage all of you to read:
Guilded Age. Why? Because a fantasy webcomic with a damn fine sense of humor is rare to come by these days.
(copyright T Campbell/Phil Kahn/Erica Henderson) {Aw Yeah}