Nov 14, 2010 09:23
At Mantak Chia's behest we are to conduct a survey but we haven't had a clear indication from him of exactly what it is that we are supposed to be finding out. I realize that I have a background in designing efforts like this and decide to take it upon myself to pose the questions that need to be answered first - like what population does he want us to focus on, and exactly what information does he want for an outcome. I am preparing to call him to ask these direct questions, but I'm pre-empted by someone else who is involved in the project and who has put a call through, not to Mantak, but to one of his assistants. She is bragging to me about her contact. It seems like a story of intrigue at the castle.Only this woman knows nothing about surveys and is only trying to score points. I need to decide whether to proceed with my plan or give it up. I don't know what I decided. I woke up.
I imagine the dream is provoked by meetings attended while in Thailand and recent e-mail exchange with another senior instructor about the new push for growth and formulation of a mission statement. I had written to the group expressing chagrin at wording like the UHT being the best and most comprehensive in the world and had suggested instead a goal of mutual work with other like minded groups. Two people back channeled to say they agreed with me but no one else responded, and none responded to the group at large. Until I heard from my colleague I thought I had stepped away from the whole issue. Maybe not.
There are a few other interesting links. I got involved with the Greater Boston Employment Collaborative - a group of agencies involved with spurring vocational success and retention for persons with disabilities. They are creating a database of resources. I have a contract with one of the agencies to provide "coping skills" - busting limiting beliefs etc that prevent people from attaining success with vocational goals -- skills that apply to all adults, and children too for that matter, and not merely persons with disabilities. I was informed on Thursday that, as I am an individual and not a non-profit, I cannot be on the database of resources that the collaborative is developing. Further, there is no budget to pay individuals with disabilities for participation in any of the organized forums, whereas employees of the agencies and involved non-profits are collecting salaries for all involved hours.
There was an echo of this same feeling of lack of recognition despite considerable expertise and frustration in not being able to do the job right in the dream and in the situation with the collaborative and my current status where I teach t'ai chi. So. A pattern that runs like a torrent through me life. I wonder where I'll take this next...