Hi all, sorry for not keeping in touch with you. I've been missing LJ and I deleted most of my social media account such as tumblr, flicks, and stuff. And i will keep my LJ alive with personal stuff and fandom. Keep this as my main journal ne.
I've been so way from J-pop and turn to J-indie instead. So please don't mind me if I put more non-arashi stuff in here -___- my "direction" is totally different now xD oohhhh my. But I still do dorama. though this season doesn't seems much interesting as well.
It was last Thursday when I finally watch cool gigs after a while. Badbadnotgood a death jazz band from Canada. I download ALL their album since they were all free. So talented guys! Dx and they are so young! Dx. They sounds so much better when live. I'm so glad I live in holland where all gigs are cheap and almost nothing ;____; (this one is free entree, so i was blessed). And thank for myself for being short, people would let me stand in the front. The Dutch is so generous to short people ;D
The pianist is quite cute with his autism behavior. haha. (i hope, i really hope he wasn't on drugs at that time)