Title:Memories of the Soul
lunaspec_gimmyFandom: Dollhouse
Genres: Het, romance, angst, drama
Word Count:16000
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Paul/Madeline, some Adelle, Topher and Boyd
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for season 1, AU for season two bar the mention of a couple of events in the first four episodes. Minor violence and language, character death(s)brief mention of non consensual BDSM (very minor!)
Author's Note: Lots of people to thank! Firstly my two wonderful artists
lunaspec_gimmy. Thank you both so much for all your hard work! Also, thanks to
cynicalshadows for being a fabulous Beta. This was written before the conclusion of season 2 but since watching it I have decided this is how I choose to believe it ACTUALLY ended :D
Summary:Madeline is trying to get on with her life since leaving the Dollhouse and Paul is trying to forget the woman he loved. Will they find each other again or will the Dollhouse keep them apart?
Link to art:
Here and
Here Chapter 1~~~~
Chapter 2~~~~
Chapter 3~~~~
Chapter 4~~~~
Chapter 5