(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 15:36

~Boring Basics~
What do people call you? Elisa, among other things.
Gender?: female
How long have you been living?: 18 years
Where were you born?: KCMO
Where do you reside?: same
Who do you live with?: my family. Mommy, Daddy, sister, brother, fish
Any pets?: my betta named Love
Grade?: 12

Height?: 5'5"
Eye color?: bluey
Skin color?: WHITE
Hair?: blonde and CRAZY!
Wear glasses/contacts?: nope, perfect vision
Any piercings?: 5 in my left ear, 3 in my right
Tattoos?: no
What can you usually be seen wearing?: my all girls Catholic highschool uniform
Makeup?: I hate makeup
Jewelry?: earrings and 3 rings
Do you like the way you look?: sometimes
What would you change?: I've always wanted dimples.

How do you normally feel?: tired
What is usually on your mind?: my Stefan
How would you describe your personality?: I'm shy if I don't know you, but I can be insane sometimes
Do you hide how you really feel or show it?: I usually hide it
Do you like how you think?: what the hell?
Do you have low self-esteem??: nah
Are you confident: sure

Color?: right now, it's green
Food?: I like every food. Okay, especially crab rangoon.
Beverage?: right now, vanilla coke. But I love Coca Light, French style.
Book?: I don't have time to read.
Author?: Edgar Allen Poe. Does Shakespeare count? He was a playwright.
Toy?: My spongebob from homecoming sophomore year.
Person?: Stefan Todd Pyles.
Animal?: I love fish.
Place?: anywhere with the love of my life.
Article of clothing?: underwear.
Website?: bluefly.com
Holiday?: Thanksgiving.
Invention?: Birth control pills :)
Cheese?: American
Cookie?: chocolate chip from work with not a lot of chocolate chips in it.
Pizza topping?: pepperoni
Candy?: pop rocks
Perfume/Cologne/Scent?: my boyfriend.
Bath item?: that olay stuff, i ran out. and baby oil.
Store?: Uptown Monkey
Texture?: um.. Stefan's skin.
Noise?: Stefan's voice.
Taste?: STEFAN
Game?: Catch phrase, triple E, scene it, mall madness, monopoly, and that one with the phone when you call the boys to come to your party... MYSTERY DATE! yeah
Sport?: I used to play volleyball, that was fun. I like to watch rugby and go to baseball games
Thing to do?: Stefan :P
Weather?: fall type weather
Instrument?: symthesizer
Body part?: hands

~Love/Relationships/And all that fun stuff~
Single or taken?: taken
If single, How long have you been single?:
Are you currently in search for a significant other?:
Ever been kissed?: heck yes
Ever been in love?: yes, at this very moment
Do you believe in love?: of course. I hate people who don't.
Do you like being single better or being taken?: they are both alright
If taken, What is your significant other's name?: Stefan
How long have you been together?: 7 months and counting!
Where did you meet?: Downtown at Rocky Horror last year
Describe them.: Perfection. He is tall and pretty and he has red hair and blue eyes
Virgin or no?: nope
What kind of person are you attracted to?: Stefan. I don't have a type of guy, actually.

How many close friends do you have?: like 5
Who always makes you smile?: Stefan, Maggie, Sid, Rachel M., Elizabeth, Mary M., Mary S., L.T., Lauren, Srah Thorman.. everyone.
Makes you laugh?: same
Makes you happy?: Stefan.
Who is always there for you?: They all are
Who can you trust the most?: hmm... probably Sid.
Trust the least?: Lauren. she can NOT keep a secret.
Are you social?: not really
Do you like to talk to people?: no
Are you a conversation starter?: haha no.
Do you like to be the center of attention?: sometimes I do it without meaning to
Would you just like to be unnoticed?: at school, yes.
Do social situations make you nervous?: if I don't know the people, yes.
Do you talk to strangers?: yeah
What is one weird encounter you’ve had with a stranger?: this guy at work told me he had a glass eye so the rest of the time I was helping him, I was trying to figure out which one was glass... hahah.
What’s one of the nicest things someone said to you?: Stefan said I make him want to be a better man, and this lady at work told me I looked good in my jeans.. oh man.
One of the meanest?: my mom told me I was a delinquent (did I spell that right?).

Favorite genre?: poop
Bands?: I ♥ Neil Diamond.
Play anything?: instrument? no.
In a band?: the Peter Jennings Project
Been to any good concerts?: 311 was awesome
Are you a mosher?: well we were in the pit at 311
Best concert memory?: when we made Moby's head out of the balloon and black nail polish at Sid's bday party!
Worst concert memory?: that bitch almost wouldn't let us go back in the pit at 311.
Any bands you would like to see?: not right now

Fave show?: Oprah
Fave reruns?: Friends and the King of Queens
Fave channel?: hah
Fave cartoon?: Spongebob
Fave movie?: Oh, I have lots. The Princess Bride, Dumb and Dumber, Breakfast club, Napoleon Dynamite!
Genres?: almost everything.
Most disappointing movie you saw?: Hm... I don't know, I've seen some bad ones
Rather go to the movies or sit at home?: Home with my boy
Fave actor?: Jim Carrey, Jude Law, Cary Elwes, Moe, Curly, Larry and Shemp, Ted Neely, Eminem!
Actress?: I don't like actresses. But I'll say um, I can't think of her name! The Million Dollar Baby chick. Just because Clint Eastwood said she's the best actor he's worked with. Clint's a badass.
Director?: I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff

~This or That~
Phone or IM: phone
Lights on or off?: off
Talk or listen?: Listen
Wax or shave?: I hate shaving. Waxing hurts.
Write or type?: write. There's something about handwriting that is very personal to me.
Have someone stab you or stab yourself?: There will be no stabbing.
Eat shit or drink piss?: sick. Drink piss.
Kill yourself or someone else?: myself. I couldn't kill anyone.
Be blind or deaf?: deaf
Shower or bath?: bath, because I can be lazy. :)
Hot tub or pool?: hottub.
Be entertained or entertain?: both
White chocolate or dark chocolate?: milk chocolate
Outdoors or indoors?: outdoors

Eating?: nothing
Drinking?: spit
Listening to?: birds chirping outside
Wearing?: uniform
Talking to?: no one
Doing?: this
Thinking?: Stefan
Book reading?: no

Ate?: white chocolate covered oreo. I stopped by work
Drank?: cherry coke
Listened to?: 105.1 (Jack FM)
Wore?: my fucking uniform, what do you think?
Talked to?: lady at work
Said?: I sang Tom Petty on the way home
Did?: drove
Watched?: Oprah
Time you vomited?: New Year's Eve.
Were sick?: like a week ago
Cry?: last week on my period. That always happens, dammit.
Book read?: The Color of Water. Very good.
Movie watched?: Cold Mountain.
Person hugged?: probably Maggie.
Person kissed?: the love of my life.
Person you saw?: my sister pulling out of the drivway.
Hospital visit?: Um... probably when Amanda got her pacemaker freshman year

What annoys the hell out of you?: when people's brakelights don't work, customers at work, Mrs. Dibble (fucking whore), other stuff that I can't think of right now.
What do your sheets look like?: they are tye-dye
Have any nifty talents?: I can tie a cherry stem in a knot and open a starburst in my mouth.
Been to any neat places?: France, New York and Chicago are probably the best places I've been.
ut guys wearing skirts and makeup?: could you repeat the question?
you into the whole religion thing?: Not really, but I go to a Catholic school and I go to church with my friends.
u like fuzzy stuff?: suuuuuuure.
w about sparkly and glittery stuff?: heck yes.
you could get rid of one thing in the world what would it be?: drinking age of 21. It's very pointless.
do drugs or are they a no no for you?: heck no.
ar meant for the opposite sex?: what was that?
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