May 13, 2006 01:21
I ran into a bird on my way to work the other day. Or maybe the bird ran into me. Either way, two things collided and I was one of them. I was upset for about 30 seconds and then promptly forgot about the incident until I was back at home and realized that I still had feathers stuck to the front grill of my car. Gross. This marks the first time I have ever (possibly) killed something with my car. With the exception of that one pylon a few months ago. RIP, traffic cone. Also, fuck you for messing up my bumper.
What kind of self-respecting bird just flies willy-nilly into oncoming traffic like that? There was no way to avoid it, not like it was a rabbit or a squirrel I could just slow down for. It was like the thing was TRYING to get hit. I rest my case.
Am I to be forever scarred by this most tragic incident?
I think my car may be a magnet for birds, because a couple years ago when I was driving to see Cara for her birthday another bird slammed into my windshield. I still flinch when I see birds coming towards the windows...