Oct 04, 2005 23:40
so kitty was very needy last night. demanding to be petted and snuggled...and i was okay with this even when he was laying on top of me while i was attempting to sleep. i think he was milking the fact that my mother put a sock on him and he was playing it up like he was just sooooo traumatized. picture a tube sock with armholes and a headhole cut out of the end and then put on a cat in sweater-like fashion and you'll have my cat as he was yesterday. he's a small cat and the sock was fairly large, though snug. my mom does this so he doesn't lick his tummy because he had a staph infection a while back and it left track-marks up and down his legs that connected at his bellybutton. very strange. but she puts ointment on him and if he licks it off it can't do much good, now can it? no siree.
so, snuggly kitty = less sleep for me because he purred so loud i couldn't fall asleep for a while, and then in the morning when i was trying to snooze he was trying to snuggle more and i just wanted to sleep, dammit!
i fear i have gone boring. has this job has turned me into mush and crushed my spirit so that i have nothing interesting left to say? how utterly depressing. i miss my friends...all the people at work are either old, married, or both. but at least there are a few people that make working there not bad (it's really not that bad, just really not interesting or challenging). justin, the IT guy is nice and talks to me. he says he likes coming to my cubicle to fix my computer because then he gets to see pictures of all the places i've been and i tell him stories. he asked me half-jokingly at the company meeting if i'm planning an excursion anytime soon, and was not really all that surprised when i told him that i'm going to england in january.
gah. bored. at least my kickboxing class is keeping me semi-entertained twice a week...i've seen brittany harding a couple times and her little boy too, and some people that i half-recognize but didn't care enough to remember their names (took me a while to remember brittany's name). also audrey kirschman (sp?) which isn't as surprising since she did go to the same school and all.
enough crap, i'm out.