Mar 22, 2005 13:56
What a shitty day. Had to go to micro at 8:30 and waking up that early is never in the "good things" category, especially when it's to sit in class and listen to lecture for 2 hours. Then had a quiz in my Greek and Latin roots for science class over some 60 roots that I had to memorize. I think I did all right, but quizzes are also not in the "good things" category. Oh, and my ear has decided that it doesn't want to hear anymore and has started to do the ringing thing again, so that's had me worried all day because I'm literally back to square one with it according to where I was before my stupid surgery. Fucking fucking fuck. And another fuck for good measure.
I went to work out, and that was okay...endorphins are good, blah blah bliddy blah. I'm so stuffy, give me a scone.
Came home and checked the mailbox, fully expecting it to be empty and/or not contain anything for me or if there was stuff for me, nothing important. There was a letter from Boston University in there, a very thin letter. I automatically knew what it contained, and opening it just confirmed the shittiness. Didn't get into Boston (sorry Rach). Didn't get into U of Iowa (although I didn't really want to go there...but it's still a matter of principle).
So there it is. 0/2 that I've heard from, and at this rate I have little to no hope for any of the three other schools. Fuck.
Sorry that posts have been all crappy lately, I guess I need something more positive to happen to me. I'll take anything.
Oh, here's something...I got to talk to Nelson last night, so that made me happy. Yay Nelson! Boo everything else!