Jul 12, 2007 18:07
another day, another dime.
brendan sent me flowers and chocolates. it was the sweatest thing in the world...he's never sent me flowers before. he also wrote me a nice long email. it made my week.
i just registered for a new course for second semester of next year. it's a theatre course called "from the page to the stage". i'm pretty phyched for it. i'm also excited for moral philosophy, theories of personality, and religious traditions of china and japan. this coming school year is going to rocket blast into space. its scary how much i want to go back. the only thing that's going to suck is that I wont see as much of brendan, and also the reseach methods and statistics courses i'm required to take for my psych major. blahh
anyay, i've been drinking coffee and making crafts all day since i got up...minus when i burnt my eggs, spilled an entire pot of coffee on the floor, set off the smoke detector, and talked to brendan on the phone.
last night I played live at the capital again. people actually remembered me from the last time I played there. this time I did a duo with my roommate kaley. she's been playing guitar a lot longer than me. we sang harmonies together and played together. it turned out so good. after the performance we met up with some really cool new people and played some more songs for random people we didnt' know at an after party. I dont think it was until 5:30am when we got home. i woke up around 2pm and kaley came in the kitchen, fresh as a daisy, telling me all the things she did so far...like catch up with someone for coffee, shopping, ect. man, that girl is such a morning person. she got up at 11am which is late for her. AFter not getting to bed till 6am!!! its frightening.
i'm listening to this pretty cool band called Destroyer. they curse a lot...make me feel all warm and tingly inside.
well i should start getting ready for work. i'll catch you all on the flip side.