Fic: Five States Blaine and Kurt Didn't Get Married In (and One They Did)

Jan 30, 2012 11:37

Title: Five States Blaine and Kurt Didn’t Get Married In (and One They Did) (Part of the Carry That Weight ‘verse)
Authors: hedgerose and penguinutopia.
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Summary: They’re halfway through the tour when Blaine blurts out, “We should get married.” Sequel to Carry That Weight.
Beta: idoltina, first and always. We love you!
Authors’ Note: Not the only sequel ( Read more... )

klaine, fic, glee

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Comments 30

anonymous January 31 2012, 04:20:03 UTC
penguinutopia January 31 2012, 18:35:05 UTC
hey, i'm gonna screen this comment, just so the nice blaine fans that are coming to read the fic don't have to deal with the blaine hate in what should be a lovely blaine loving space. But i love you, and respect your right to have what i consider to be totally wrong opinions. *hugs*


brighton_girl January 31 2012, 05:20:25 UTC
Wow, this is an awesome addition to your already awesome story. Thanks for sharing :)


penguinutopia January 31 2012, 06:07:12 UTC
Thank you!


klainehappens January 31 2012, 06:39:34 UTC
OH MY GOD. I just spent my evening reading both of these. I don't even watch Idol (except randomly here and there a few times) and I totally fell in love with this! I love this verse!


penguinutopia January 31 2012, 06:42:38 UTC
Thank you so much. We had a lot of fun with both stories -- the first especially was sort of our love letter to fandom in general and Idol and Glee fandom specifically. Glad you enjoyed it.


elles_lovely89 January 31 2012, 07:31:34 UTC
askgjje;iagh adorable. I loved Carry That Weight, and I will rec it forever. I look forward to all the little sequels you guys have planned! :)
And you used Jim Cantiello in this. <3 The King of Klaine.


penguinutopia January 31 2012, 07:39:18 UTC
Thank you so much. Hopefully some of the sequels will actually be quite long -- it's possible there's a Kurt companion piece in the very early planning stages...

We loved being able to use Jim Cantiello. How could we not?


dazzlebug January 31 2012, 10:31:36 UTC
Love this! So cute and them :)


penguinutopia January 31 2012, 16:58:15 UTC
Thank you!


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