hmmmmmm..things to make you go hmmmmmmmmmm

Dec 01, 2004 12:00

yo yo whats crackin livejournal world....

its me shane-dawg coming from the hizzy to tell you about me liveizzy..hahaha..ight now that that is out of my system let me begin...

today is december 1st..holy shit where the fuck did the year go? seriously i dont remember it? fine maybe a few too many drunk nights but honestly what happens to time? hmmm interesting things to keep in mind.

yesterday i got my new glasses..its so rad to be able to see now. dont get me wrong i could see before but now these new glasses wow..everything is so crisp! people fo sho take vision forgranted! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i went to badminton today..always fun. then i went to the gym for about an hour. i think i worked out too hard cause i started to get throw-upy after about an hour into my work out. i was doing some bicep reps and i had to leave. sorta sucks cause i wanted to do like 10 sets of 10 reps. oh well. i came home and ate some beef jerky (got to love protein) and a gatorade now im feeling much much better!

i have to go to my fucking stats for human behavior class today and not friday cause im getting my wisdom teeth out on friday. i really dont like my stats teacher. she puts on a front being all nice but really she is an anal retentive bitch. sorry that was mean but she is it works out.

im sorta nervous to get my wisdom teeth out. my good friend chelsea just got hers out and she didnt have a very good reaction to it. so im sorta nervous. but im sure it will be cool cause my mom will take care of me and she hasnt really done that in a long time. its just gonna be mommy and me time! that part im sorta excited about. ight well i should take a shower i smell pretty bad from the gym still. got to get so fresh and so clean clean..hahahah

dont you all love my ghetto'ness?

damn skippy!

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