Oct 05, 2004 17:47

howdy there folks...

ight so i know this year is the election year and i know many of you will be voting this election which i am very proud about. yet i hope you get all your facts together about certain things. it bothers me beyond belief that people might vote for the wrong man. fine neither of the two parties have the best man for the job but it is very clear as to the better of the two to be voted in. what is there to say about bush...hmmm...seems he is all about fighting a war. and this isnt even a good war at that. the people over there fighting arent happy they dont even have the right supplies. i see no end in this war if bush is re-elected. i dont understand how anyone in their right minds could vote for bush. really all the people that support bush do they even have a braincell in their head? really it really bothers me. when i see a person sporting a bush or W '04 sticker on their car i was to like flatten their tires. i know i wouldnt ever really do that..just it makes me mad. its like they support all the wrong from bush. how he is anti abortion anti stem cell research anti gay anti tax cuts anti health care anti homeland secrety really the only thing he is for is the war. well bushy dearest your father couldnt do that fucking war what makes you think you could take on this war. stop trying to end something your dad started and get your ass out of the white house. and to all you that think kerry is wrong for the job. fine he might be wrong for the job im not saying he is right for the job. all im saying is if bush re elected the us as we know it will turn even more into shit. yes thats right. we honestly need to step up america. do the right thing this nov. we need to get that fucking bush out of office and make the world a better place. if anyone wants to read something very interesting and helpful to see about this draft that will most likely be put into affect if bush is it! it is important. seriously people this is our generation who will have to fight this stupid war. we need to stand up and get our word out.


VOTE FOR KERRY! only because i believe he will help us with so many main issues at hand. we need to over come the idiots in power right now. fuck bush. FUCK BUSH AND FUCK ALL YOU WHO WANT TO VOTE FOR HIM! read that!
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