Wahahaha indeed I did since I translate for 32BAR lol. But they're such a good pairing and it saddens me that people haven't seen the Hanbomb light. I'm hoping to write some Hanbomb, but nothing is working and I can't do them justice ;_;
And omg I'm having such a big b.a.p phase which needs to stop ;_;
ooo u translate for 32bar? thats awesome haha its tru not many ppl like hanbomb most ppl ship zikyung or ubomb. i bet ur hanbomb fics with b awesome :P
omfg b.a.p's new album *spazzing*i think daehyuns gonna steal yongguk's spot as my b.a.p bias XD
i like how u put bbomb with hanhae hehe im a hanbomb shipper too :P
HANBOMB :D haha theyr my second fave block b couple after ubomb. hanhae and bbomb r so funny together hehe have u seen their tweets to each other? :)
And omg I'm having such a big b.a.p phase which needs to stop ;_;
omfg b.a.p's new album *spazzing*i think daehyuns gonna steal yongguk's spot as my b.a.p bias XD
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