Nov 11, 2004 10:22
Ok, it's DEFINITELY time to go home now. I have no energy to do anything and I have so much to do. On top of the general homework grind, I also have 4 papers to write with 2 of them having pages numbers in the double digits. This college thing isn't so much fun right now. I love it but at the same time hate it. I just want to go home now.
I talked to my sis last night and she had some people over and they were all sitting in my spa. Lord, how I miss my spa. I lived in it, or other peoples, over the summer. I miss my people at home. I miss everything about home; driving, the view, my bed, my shower, my SPA, my everything. Like some many other people I have a slight depressed feeling. Hence, the time to go home thing. Ok, I'm done with that now.
On a happier note, Saturday is our Opening Days Reunion Dinner thing. That's gonna be a whole lot of fun, I think! Not everyone can make it, but the person that I care about being there the most is going to be and that makes me very happy!! I seriously need to get my courage up to ask him out... Damn myself if I don't. Like my mom always says, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". Too true!!
Also, the cast list came out for Little Shop back home. It's interesting to see what parts people got versus what they wanted. For those of you who care, here you go:
Audrey: Elizabeth Matthews
Seymour: A freshman named Greg (I dunno who he is, but apparently he's VERY good)
Dentist: Ray Chase (he wanted Seymour and everyone thought he had it in the bag. Maybe not.)
Mr. Mushnik: Nik V. (sound guy for Guys and Dolls... I'm iffy about him. He better be good or I'm gonna be pissed. Tyler wanted this part.)
Plant Voice: Some tiny little girl that sang the shit out of her song!
Sultry Six: Hilary, Kari, Sue-Ann, and some other people that I don't know.
Doo-Whop Girls: Ashlee Ryder, and two others... :-\
20 backup dancers: My sis got the lead dancer!! Blaine's choreographing so she'll be front and center.
Sorry about all the holes in the cast. Liz only told me the major players. As far as I know Ashley M., Tyler, and Ashton didn't get cast at all. If you want to know if someone not listed got a part, give me a call (702-806-7342) and I'll figure it out!! Again, sorry!
That's what I know and I'm stickin' to it!!
Back to the devil papers... all 4 of them!
"And with a tear in my eye, give me the sweetest goodbye that I ever did recieve..."
Oh, btw... HAIR is the weirdest musical ever.... No really, I'm not kidding. Watch it and you'll see what I mean. You have to be tripped out on acid to make sense of it... I bet... :-\ Damn me and my bright idea to write a 12 page paper about musicals. Stupid stupid Courtney...
I'm just a hairy guy
I'm hairy noon and night
Hair that's a fright
I;m hairy high and low
Don't ask me why-- Don't know
It's not for lack of bread
Like the Greatful Dead
Give me a head full of hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining gleaming streaming
Flaxen waxen
Give me down to there hair
Shoulder-length or longer
Here baby
There mama
Everywhere daddy daddy
... Yeah it goes on and on... really strange.
Done now!
Court xoxo