theban letter update: shits gone international

Jul 26, 2009 13:28

it would appear that i am now the target of an INTERNATIONAL conspiracy spanning three continents. since my last post i have received three more letters, bringing the current total up to eight. one post marked "new zealand"(specific post office illegible)one "santa ana" CA(complete return address. not blacked out) and one "yorkshire" england(which i have not yet had time to examine as it is at my home and i am not.)

the new zealand letter is the most intriguing so far. despite the fact that it's text is the same as the first three letters, this one is hand written on what looks to be a page from a sketchbook and smudged in places with some unknown substance. it is pictured below.

the envelopes address is in a rather flamboyant hand and also bears a similar smudge on the bottom left corner. is this simply a case of an artistically inclined kiwi conspirator with a need to stand out in a crowd, or is there more to this unique letter?

the CA letter is also rather curious as it is the only letter to date that has a return address that is not blacked out. could this be intentional? i googled the complete address and, lo and behold found a name and even a work phone number. the person attached to this address has a membership account with the "Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)". it is entirely possible that this person has no connection to these events what so ever. anyone can write in a return address for wherever they like and this could turn out to be a complete dead end. never the less i do plan on calling the number listed in this information tomorrow. see where that leads.

most of these are turning out to be repeat messages. to date i have only encountered the two messages, which i will refer to as LM1 and LM2(lizard message) from here on. LM1 seems to be focused on scaring the shit out of me with it's descriptions of lizards with sharp teeth and claws watching me at all times. in contrast, LM2 has more of a protective, warning angle. "look around you, we advise you" and all that. will a third message take a still different bent? i suppose i'll have to wait and see.


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