Jan 09, 2007 16:50
Home was...relaxing? Well, for the most part anyways. This is going to be a long update, just to warn you. I had a ton of fun seeing my friends and family. My brother got on my nerves--almost instantaneously. I know it seems normal, but you would think that he could hold off for a few days. It's just his back-talking and his "I'm better than you" attitude. I know sometimes the things he says is just meant as a joke, but when I joke back and he gets all mad...GAH! It was the only downer to being home. Friends? Yeah, they're great, just like always. I truly believe I got to see everyone besides Will. It was nice. Driving out to Penn State to get Sara seems to be becoming a ritual--albeit a fun one but a long one. Catching up with everyone was fun, and it made being back in Otisville worth it.
Sometimes I wish I could be living somewhere completely away from everyone (like San Juan--hey, don't think it isn't possible, AstroZenica is there and I could be doing research for them sometime in the future!) and just come back for the weekend to visit people. Yanno, kind of like how older adults who live far from there relatives come and visit for short periods of time. I think it would be easier that way--I wouldn't have time to get so attached to people that leaving was painful. That's not to say I don't love all of my family members and friends. I still love them all (it's too bad English only has one word for "love", because family love, friend love, romantic love, etc. are all different) but I like the new and different experiences that Otisville doesn't have, and the opportunities that aren't available in Otisville. Now, Big Rapids isn't much different, but it is different from Otisville. Hopefully after I finish pharmacy school I will be able to move away (San Juan here I come!) and choose where I want to live. I like the country, but I'm not opposed to the city. The country has big wide open spaces...which I love. The downside: very limited things to do..unless hanging out with a group of people, in which case, anything is possible!!
I'm going to miss Otisville though, when I finally do move away. I will. I do.
Well...I enjoyed my time at home, but I'm glad to be back at school. I don't know if I'm going to be coming home at all during this semester...so hopefully people with cars will come visit me. Part of the reason I'm not coming home is because Karen won't be going home--her boyfriend is at work term in Zeeland so she doesn't have to go home to see him. Another reason is that during my spring break, my parent's are going on a cruise without us kids, and I'm going to Mexico to build houses. I don't know if I have a ride home for Easter or not...but it's only two days off, so I wouldn't get to see anyone besides my family anyways. So, I'll be here--fun stuff.
The new semester obviously means a new schedule...and so far I like all of my professors. I have met them all and it seems that this semester won't be too much harder than last semester.
9am-11:50am Biology Lab
12noon-12:50pm Chemistry
1pm-1:50pm Biology
2pm-2:50pm Psychology
12noon-12:50pm Chemistry
3pm-4:15pm English
12noon-12:50pm Chemistry
1pm-1:50pm Biology
2pm-2:50pm Psychology
7:30pm-9pm Symphony Band
12noon-2:50pm Chemistry Lab
3pm-4:15pm English
12noon-12:50pm Chemistry
1pm-1:50pm Biology
2pm-2:50pm Psychology