Feb 25, 2005 16:47
I got in trouble at school today for taking all the soccer balls because the kids wouldn't let me play again! And then Karin got mad and kicked me for making Yuzu cry because I said her food tasted bad when she shared them with me. I was just telling the truth!
And there's nothing at home for me to do. I'm bored! And it's cold! I don't like this!
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And I don't wanna be called Fletcher. Fletcher is a duck name. And she asked me what I really really thought. Tsuka says I don't have to apologize for things that aren't my fault.
Fletcher is not a duck name. Fletcher is the name your Mother gave you. Mothers are important things. Not everyone has a Mother, and you should treasure what they give you. Your name is one of those things. You'll have it forever.
I don't know who Tsuka is, but Tsuka is wrong. It was your fault for hurting her feelings, when you could have been nicer about what you were going to say. So now, since it's your fault, I think you should apologize to her, Fletcher.
You shouldn't listen to this Tsuka anymore, Fletcher. They don't know much about people if they say that. What does your brother think of this Tsuka? You should probably ask what Russell thinks of this Tsuka and listen to him.
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