(no subject)

Apr 28, 2003 23:52

So, my weekend fucking rawked, how was yours?
I can just tell this going to be the best vaca (haha, like a Spanish cow) ever.

Tonite, driving around with Melissa, Erinn and Nikki, causing trouble, like usual, this time in Milford.
Driving down this curvy road with farms on each side. We come around a turn and see this headlights of a car in the middle of the road with window fucking smashed in so bad, but theres no other car so I think that like a tree or a telephone or something got in the way as they do sometimes.
Oh no, I was wrong.
It was a horse.
The guy hit a fucking horse, hit it damn dead. So we pull over to see if we can help. Melissa use to have a horse because shes a spoiled brat but I love her anyways, so we try and help herd the other alive horse back into the fenced area.
This dude must have been going pretty fucking fast. There was no skid marks so it didn't even look like he had a chance to stop.
It totally put a damper on the night for like fifteen minutes but we got back into the game pretty quack (HAHA I DID THAT ON PURPOSE).
I'm going to post pictures of the milk chugging contest we had Friday. I felt bad trying to take a picture of Kristen cause she threw up so hard she popped blood vessels in her face and did something wierd to her eyebrow ring so it started bleeding and had blood coming down her face (We had to take her to the hospital). But I defintely got some sweet pictures of Erinn puking.
Good times, good times.
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