Oct 24, 2011 17:51
So yes, I left the bastard, finaly, right? He went off to rehab after playin "find the ex," with his family for a few months... That was fun, not. He left early and had a new boyfriend in days, met on-line (shocker after I found him on Manhunt 3 years prior) Also an "ex-drug" adict, and by "ex" I mean they smoke pot like a 90 year old chain smoking grandmother named Iris... Good luck staying ex-druggies, asses...
Anywho, this is where I like to think my new book started, that last book had MANY chapters, but every book has an ending, and what an ending it had.
So newly single, new appartment, new location for my job... exaclty what I needed, a fresh start. I moved to Jenkintown with aquantinces Adriana, and Mel. Adriana, I knew A thru my friend Christine, and Mel theu HT at my old store, and oddly enough, they're best friends, small world. We moved into a small 3 bedroom, no, that;s right, a small 3 bedroom appartment in a converted gingerbread victorian, sounds nice, and it seemed nice, but it wasn't. It was a great party house (I lived there for 2 years,) but for a laundry list of reasons, but they complelty offended me last Christmas and that was the finaly straw.
So I never rent appartments in apparment complexes, always "houses" because I enjoy decorating outside. Before I moved in, I had asked if I could, and explained what I do for Christmas, becasue, well, it's not "normal" I do nightmare before christmas, as I described to them, just think halloween, with christmas lights, and they had no problem with it at all. Now there was another landlord who lived there, well apparently she wasn't okay with it. I didn't go all out for christmas the year prior, becasue most of my stuff was still at my ex's (there was no storage at my Jenkintown place, I mainly just did my windows and the inside. In the end my stuff at my old place got tossed because the bastard moved out and didn't tell me, and I lost many things, and i didn't have the time nor money to buy and creat new things. But the following year, when I started to decorate, Cheryl, who I refer to as the Grintch (since she stole my christmas) sends me a text message asking to not put up any more decorations until we have a meeting about it.
Well apparently when she came home to see what I put up, she started crying, because it discusted her, and hut her, because Christmas is about Jesus (where during the meeting she broke out in histerics crying tell me and Joanne, the other landlord, this) I said that I wasn't doing any thing ofensive like a zombie manger sceen (which is an amazing idead btw,) or antything, plus this is what I told them I was doing! all I had put up so far was a halloween black tree with ornage lights and chistmas lights, and a snowman, and accross the stairwell windowns what a 1/4 spider web made out of red garland and a green spider... that's it! soooooooo Joanne sided with The grintch, and I had to take it down.
This may sound petty, but it ment a lot to me to do it. I always wanted to do it, and when I was at the previous place, I was making a bunch of stuff for it, and in the end it got tossed. Luckly I'll have this year in my new place.
Well my boy will be home soon, so I better get started on dinner, night <3