Returning to something past, something that passed. There are breaks in the concrete, flashes of brightness. A brief blindness dwindles to reveal depth. Distance.
The glimpses of depth are memories. Knowledge from when life was something more than the daily surrender of time to a space that darkens my vision. I've discovered that I can't crawl out of this strange coda. I have to run.
Even more unbelievable: I haven't been this surefooted in months, maybe even years. Not just in placing one limb in front of the other but in further drifting away from the past decade of life.
Last year, I had the foresight to recognize my placement
within a known system, as well as my subsequent extrication from that system. Leaving my role from the daytime bar was mind- and life-altering.
It's like a
deep cut to a shadow-temporal lobe that had dominated the space in my skull. That lobe still exists but it's been reincorporated by different connections to the information.
It's like taking the old, charred hard drive from a computer and accessing some of those files through a new system.
It's like Voyager 1
breaking through the heliosphere and riding out a prolonged termination shock before reaching
interstellar space.
Is this still the slow-down region? The stagnation region? Or am I now pushing past the heliiopause before tumbling into interstellar space?
How many metaphors can I latch onto in order to make sense of this interstitial time?
Earlier in the day, while working another daytime bar, apropos of nothing in my environment, I heard a sound that I knew was only in my head: the synthesized call to attention from a song I hadn't heard in years. Like the friendly broadcast from a robotic species, descending upon all the contours of continental gray material, rebounding in every crevice of mental valleys, the sound was a wake-up call. A reminder of other modalities of thought. An encouragement to continue pursuing change. A welcoming return to the unknown.
How To Destroy Angels - The Wake-Up
Listen on youtube]
How To Destroy Angels - The Wake-Up
Wait a minute
Is anybody, is anybody, is anybody