Checkin' in

Oct 16, 2009 19:37

I'm still here. I've contemplated picking up blogging again and write about relevant things and be opinionated and such. But it'll probably not happen. So, lets tell you whats up:

I've began new campaign for my life, its called, "Campaign for Friends," The strategies include using interpersonal, personal and a little bit of carefully mediated-controlled communication to increase the amount that I am not isolated from a social surrounding by 40%. I am not aiming high, mostly because I'm not sure if I want to, sometimes being alone and being with yourself (this is excluding Eamonn, who of course, counts) is more gratifying than most of the people I know in my life. Harsh to say maybe, but true non-the-less. The tactics include going out to the bars when I'm invited, giving up on responsibilities and going to see midnight showings of Where the Wild Things Are, and planning parties that may not ever come to furition. I don't know how to spell that.
My adjustments will include scrapping the parties, or actually holding them, initiating a one-to-one hang out basis and maybe, JUST maybe, calling people to do things.
I've established a contingency rate of 25% because I know myself too well to know that sometimes its just easier to sit and wallow, and sometimes you just need to be by yourself.

I'm still a music snob when it comes down to it. But man, am I loving my music tonight.

Capstone for my Public Relations major thing is kicking my ass. However, so far I am excelling. I'm not at the top of the class but I'd like to believe that I'm in the top 25%. I would also like to think that I might pull an A off in this class. I really enjoy the group that I'm partnered with. Its a pretty big riot most of the time and I have a lot of faith in the intelligence levels of these individuals. Rarely, am I convinced of that, so they're a step ahead. And aiding in our rockstar grades.

I'm a grumpy old woman who doesn't enjoy shows anymore. I saw Gaslight Anthem about a month ago, that was great. I skipped Strike Anywhere and Bane, I REALLY wanted to see Bane, never got the chance when I was busy being hardcore. Mostly because my "hardcore" stops in terrential downpoor and instead, asian food comes into play.

I'm still working on straight A's. Its hard though when you forget that you have other classes beyond capstone. Especially when Conflict Management is boring as fuck. Every aspect of entertainment uses conflict to drive the plots, WHY IS THIS CLASS SO BORING!? That shouldn't be allowed. Especially when the professor believes she is doing a bang-up job.

I don't have a car anymore. Well, I mean I so, but its in Aurora, so I don't drive anymore. I'm about 50% okay with this new developement, 35% ashamed as shit, and 15% scared as shit. I look fabulous (or do I mean ridiculous?) on Eamonn's scooter though.

I think I've become too narcassitic for my own good. I also haven't improved on spelling. I twitter like a maniac, and I don't think I'm that funny. haha.

I admire people who continuously try to self-reflect and explore themselves and allow themselves to grow. I don't think I have the strength to do that. I think I fear what I'll find and instead shy away from it all together. Or I will realize that where I'm at shouldn't be the way it is and feel compelled to redirect my life, potentionally ruining all kinds of things and people. Who knows. My friend confided his sexual orientation to me, he has been struggling with coming out since August, so it was nice that he felt I was a safe person to have a conversation with. He also cried on my shoulder after Where the Wild Things are. The movie made me reflect pretty intensely too, Course, we all know I'm a cryer.

Oh, in case you didn't know, it turns out I am a cry-er.

My internship is a joke currently and it drains me to be there.

I could go for another Time Again road trip. Shit is ridiculous, ridiculouslt awesome.

By not having friends, I have forgotten what petty drama is like. I'm beginning to get closer with one of my favorite people in the SLiCE Office and learning of a world of ridiculous, petty and demeaning drama. People can be so unfair, even when they're the leaders we expect to be great. Shits ridic.

I should clarify that I have plenty of friends. I have lots of people who sit on my board of directors, but none of them are in close proximity in the sense of geography. I miss Patrice, Ryan, Jamie, Jordan, Dan, Shelly, Nicole and even Dara. haha. And everyone up here went and graduated and moved away. I have Mitch and Martin, my roommates, but they're never around. I'm never around. And I can't make myself connect on a deeper level with the old school-house kids. Whatever you want to call them these days.

Some days, I just want to eat my feet right off.

And other days I'm really blessed. Actually, I'm always really blessed, I just have a clouded perception sometimes.
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