May 20, 2010 23:53
The first ten people to comment in this post can request a drabble/ficlet from the following fandoms: Supernatural, Generation Kill, Star Trek, Sherlock Holmes, Fringe, Bones, In Plain Sight, Burn Notice, but if it's in my interests I'll probably write it. In return, you have to post this in your journal, regardless of what you think your ability level is! And the prompt must be in this format:
Fandom + Character/Pairing + Movie Title eg: In Plain Sight + Mary/Marshall + Mr & Mrs Smith
No guarantees as to WHEN you will get said drabbles, but request them, none the less! In not so unrelated news, M has played some dirty pool and offered to buy me that Beware Attack Penguins sign if I start working on my thesis more. Which is to say, not really dirty pool so much as being a good friend and reminding me that I need to stop being such an utter fucking degenerate and get my shit done! So drabbles will be had during work breaks. :D