You know who are are and you know who you want! SHIT!!

Nov 26, 2006 01:02

recently tiff has intro'ed me to two AMAZING things:
the movie "but i'm a cheerleader"
it was sooo funny and original (the movie not the drink)
I want the soundtrack the songs are very unique and groovy
I think E.Raw would love the movie.

i missed 3 days last week i know you are all dying from lack of allie
well i had an ear infection, i get those they suck balls. remember last year when i missed like a week and a half? well that was an ear infection. my ears are shaped more vertically than other peoples so i get them more easily.
well now that you all know something weird about my ears .....

Lauren! you best send me your college ?dorm? adress because i'm doing a cleaning and found like crap loads of letters i had meant to send to people and i want to send you some stuff i am going to make comments screened so yeah your adress wont be all over da net. becuase is the hot place to be every single mood i have from now on will be senorface + I'LL GIVE YOU [insertmood]
damn you colleen with your orange! I want a fountain pen!
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