New Directory

Sep 17, 2011 15:00

I've been meaning to put together a comprehensive list of my sims writing for awhile now. Since Myshuno! will potentially be doubling my drabble count in the next few months I decided now was the time to do it.

So I'd like to introduce my sim story directory, which includes the Penguino Legacy, my OWBC, a link to the BRRL, my dormie guide for ALT, a comprenhensive list of my drabbles and sim_scenes entries, and a link to my sims downloads page.  The main post is stickied on my dreamwidth: here.  I've put a link in the sidebar of my LJ for future reference as well.  I hope everyone finds this helpful, but even if you don't I'm glad I have it for my own reference.

drabble, story: owbc, directory, story: round robin legacy, story: penguino legacy

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