So I managed to publish my Penguino chapter a few weeks ago and before it gets too much later I wanted to put out the behind the scenes picspam!
This chapter contained A LOT of birthdays but I tried with each one to advance the plot just a little bit so that the birthdays themselves weren't overwhelming. I also found the number of birthdays exciting because it means I am finally moving forward with my game again! I think I posted a pic spam of Ferd and Mag's toddlers at least a year ago which means that everyone has been static in my game for at least that long! Which brings us to the first part of the pic spam.
The toddlerfication of Ferd and Mag's brood. Notice anything wrong in the background? That's right all the gen 4 kids who I sent to college at the end of the dance competition are still teens in these pictures. This is what happens when you don't update for a year. You forget the order in which everything is supposed to happen. Fortunately for me all of the guests were behind the cakes so the pictures I had of the babies actually turning into toddlers did not have teens in them and could be used. I still needed to restage bringing the babies to the cake though.
Again I got lucky. Some of you may remember that I had problems with the cheesecake not working on Angelina and actually had the kids arrive a few times as I tried to figure out what was wrong. Because I spent so much time on trying to get the right number of kids I remembered that I had not actually hit the randomizer to get this particular set of pseudo-quads so I was able to rely on the first born effect to get exact genetic duplicates in a dummy hood. Of course the genders weren't the same but that doesn't matter with sim babies. As you can see in the second picture I had to hide the real Molly, Ginny, Luna, and Arthur when I reshot the birthday because they were determined to get underfoot.
They didn't seem to mind being locked in the upstairs playroom too much though.
So what did the clones actually look like? Well Molly lucked out and was the same gender.
But Ginny turned out a boy this time around.
Luna stayed the same too (you can see I've let the toddlers back out since I didn't need any more staged pictures at this point).
But Arthur ended up as a girl.
Restaging the party also led to some adorableness. Viola is going to be freaking awesome with her own kids. I also found it funny that she zeroed in on the only other 1 nice point sim besides herself and Memphis in the entire generation.
This was funny as well. Love you too Robert. Don't make me regret that I gave you a BC!
And then there was the general ACR squickiness. Thank you George for reminding me that I need to friend zone all of the gen 4 boys with Greta. (Too be fair I didn't summon Chase to the lot, otherwise Greta probably would have rejected this.)
This was Jeanie's reaction. I agreed.
Like I said, lots of birthdays in this chapter and the next one was Gloria's. Again I think she has been a toddler in my game since at least December of 2008 so I am REALLY glad to see her growing up to a child! These pictures here are just because toddler Gloria was freakin' adorable and Captain is the world's best grandpa.
Parts of this birthday had to be restaged as well. I shot the pictures of Jeanie greeting Memphis and then realized I had a continuity error in Jeanie's outfit so I reshot the actual growing up. Also I figure that Jeanie would change out of that uniform as soon as possible whenever she gets home because although it isn't the plaid her mother wants her to wear it is still plaid.
I had some trouble deciding what outfit to put Gloria in. This was the first option but then I eventually went with the blue pants set. Pinks and reds are more Jeanie's colors and I wanted to differentiate between the two girls.
Switching did mean I couldn't use this really cute picture though.
This one is just because child Gloria is just as adorable as toddler Gloria.
I think this may have been my favorite shot from the entire update. The idea for it popped into my head fully formed one night and then the actual shot turned out almost exactly as I had envisioned it.
This one got shot in the dummy hood so what I ended up doing was having Jeanie hug child!Gloria in the other room. Then I put her on a movable OMSP to get her to the right height because otherwise her face ended up at Memphis's waist... Memphis is doing a surprised animation in reaction to someone teleporting if I remember correctly.
Jeanie and Gloria weren't actually kids together for all that long, probably just a day or two in game. For whatever reason, probably Jenny's businesses, the main house kids got really spread out in terms of age. The above pictures were a possible alternate for the scene where Jeanie and Gloria are discussing why Jeanie doesn't get along with their mother. I decided that I liked the doll house pictures better because I'd done a scene with Memphis, Jeanie, and toddler!Gloria all at the play table back in the dance competition chapter.
A few more birthdays! Again I can't remember how long Edith and Jeanie have been kids in my game. Too long just like everything else. De mentioned that it was a surprise to see Jeanie as a teen because we have seen so much of her as a kid. It was kind of weird for me too. The above spam of Edith is because as a cousin I didn't get to include a bunch of the super cute pictures of her as a child. Also, I have never had a sim so addicted to the jump rope! I swear if I couldn't find Edith as a kid it was because she had wandered off to do this. She has really high body skill because of it!
From a cute kid to a gorgeous teenager. I'm really glad I decided to pair Marla and Scott. Their kids are just gorgeous!
And speaking of gorgeous. Between these two I don't think the teen boys of Antarctica are going to know what hit them.
And Jeanie agrees with me. She had a very enthusiastic reaction to her makeover. Or maybe she was just glad that she wasn't going to be forced to wear plaid again.
And they have already started on their quest to terrorize the town...
Jeanie: "Edith, cute boy at 2 o'clock. He seems to have a family sim vibe. I'll let you take him."
Edith: "I'm on it."
And that brings me to the sims who are now in college. I don't actually have a lot of pic spam of them because I used most of it in t he update but I found this picture particularly amusing. I think she's annoyed that Memphis won't dance with her but he just wants to play games and never dance again...
Speaking of...the gaming competition. You all probably think I'm crazy for deciding to run another competition but Memphis has been talking about wanting to participate in one since he became a teen so I think it's time to finally show it. Also, I think it will be a LOT less work than the dance competition. After all, I just have to sit a bunch of sims down at computers and just let them play! I was actually going to try and fit the competition into this update but then decided I had enough going on as it was. It should be in the next update though!