Still, small harvests...

Jul 17, 2007 23:11

Well, another cuke harvested tonight. Haven't weighed it yet. For dinner, we had fresh made ravioli and pasta. Michael and I went to Bloomfield after lunch today, kind of like our Little Italy. Walked into Groceria Italia were an Italian Immigrant was cutting up some freshly made ravioli so we took home a dozen. For a side dish, we had a zuke and a crookneck (yellow) squash roasted up. We're really pleased with how it was prepared:

1 10oz zucchini, cut into quartered circles
1 10oz crookneck squash, also cut into quartered circles
lemon basil
white wine
olive oil
2 cloves of brown tempest hardneck garlic

It was a little difficult to take a photo when it was down, especially when it looked good and well, we were hungry. I do have this photo of brown tempest garlic though, really interesting brown and purple mottled wrapper.

Jana has never been into ravioli, but she did eat one. She seemed to prefer the zucchini. That was pleasing to see! She even remembered getting it out of the garden. She wasn't as impressed with the crookneck. Just as well, the zucchini seem to be a tad more prolific than the crookneck.

Some of the Amish Paste Tomatoes have blushed, plus 1 patio tomato. Yay.

cucumber, garden, zucchini, squash, tomato, jana, recipe

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