Had a bit of a rough weekend. Jana got freaked out in the middle of Saturday night. She woke up around 3am completely hysterical, I kept trying to get her to tell me what's bothering her. She wanted to leave the 2nd floor and go to the 1st floor of the house. Didn't want to be in either bedroom and had to be carried until she fell back asleep around 5:45am.
I guess it didn't help that when she first woke up, I took her into our bed. I guess Michael was sound asleep through everything (we haven't used the baby monitor since she transitioned out of the crib) and he had no idea I brought Jana into our bed. As Jana flopped around to fall back asleep, Michael woke up in shock and in a startling manner, leaned over us and exclaimed, "What's happening?"
Oh dear, that really set Jana off. Probably why she said she prefered to go to the living room. Michael felt horrible when he found out what was happening. I carried and rocked her for about an hour, my arms are still sore. Not knowing what triggered it, Michael removed all of her stuffed animals from her bed, her entourage. She still didn't want to go back until she was out.
I racked my brain all day about what could have scared her until she finally was able to calmly tell me, "Waboo chase Jana. Waboo scared Jana."
"Waboo" is her word for lobster. Her sheets have a sea theme:
After dinner, I switched her sheets:
And I hid the crab I brought home from Baltimore.
At first, she stalled to come upstairs for bedtime, but once she saw the orange striped sheets again, she was so gleefully happy. She jumped into bed, rolled around and buried her head into her pillow. She slept over 10 hrs straight through last night.