Jan 11, 2007 07:43
We're keeping Jana home again today. Michael has an 8:30am conference call, I need to meet with some folks before my 10am and then Michael has a dentist appt. My 10am trumps his dentist so he stays home with Jana and I need to make it in.
Luckily, Jana's typically a 2hr napper, so I could feasibly work from home after lunch since my calendar looks clear of meetings. This gives Michael a chance to visit his grandmother who recently fell and broke her hip. She had surgery yesterday.
It's currently 22F right now.
Michael hit the observatory last night to try to catch Comet McNaught (I think that's the name of it). It's apparently in a very viewable stage from our area right now. I think he might have 2 more nights to observe. I was going to attend a mothers' center meeting last night but stayed home with sick kid.
I just added a projects list to the sidebar. I find it daunting, but I think necessary. I need to better control the introduction of new projects.