I got up at 6am, started a load of laundry and then went to work on the earthbox. I just got tired of it being on my to-do list.
I've been driving with a 2.25 cu ft of potting mix in the back of my Jeep. Dreading the haul up many, many flight of stairs and .10 miles to my front yard from the curbside. It took me about 2-3 trips to haul enough mix to fill the earthbox and to finally lighten the bag of mix enough to carry the rest of it up. Considering I was carrying up 40lb bags of compost and peat moss up during the spring, I have to say it has to be effects of the heat and humidity. My gosh, 6am and it's in the 80s!
It's now not even 4pm, and I'm feeling a little beat. Of course, I had a lunch meeting at work where I didn't eat and that didn't help. I did have a light lunch with Michael at 2pm at least.
So in the earthbox went tomatoes:
1 roma
1 cherokee purple (which looks like my only globe tomato this season)
1 yellow pear
and come green onions I split into two
Jana's cilantro seeds have been sprouting, yay, just in time for more mango salsa!
I didn't notice anything ready for Jana to harvest after school today, but I think she'll have a bit this weekend.
We had a bagel social at work this morning, got to talk to a master gardener co-worker who gave me some ideas to propagate raspberry canes without rooting hormones. Since it sounds like the overall task needs physical labor, maybe I'll do it in the fall. She did try to talk me into taking my extra tomato clippings and planting them in the top part of my upside-down tomato bucket in my office. "Please! I want to replace this with flowers!" :)